can obama care be overturned

can obama care be overturned

the thing we have to spend the most time on-- because it's the thing we have the most control over -- is how do we make sure thatwe are showing up in places where i think democratic policies are needed, where theyare helping, where they are making a difference, but where people feel as if they're not beingheard and where democrats are characterized as coastal, liberal, latte-sipping, politically-correct,out-of-touch folks. we have to be in those communities. and i've seen that when we are in those communities,it makes a difference. that's how i became president. i became a u.s. senator not just because ihad a strong base in chicago, but because

i was driving around downstate illinois andgoing to fish frys and sitting in vfw halls and talking to farmers. and i didn't win every one of their votes,but they got a sense of what i was talking about, what i cared about, that i was forworking people, that i was for the middle class, that the reason i was interested instrengthening unions, and raising the minimum wage, and rebuilding our infrastructure, andmaking sure that parents had decent childcare and family leave was because my own family'shistory wasn't that different from theirs, even if i looked a little bit different. same thing in iowa.

and so the question is, how do we rebuildthat party as a whole so that there's not a county in any state -- i don't care howred -- that we don't have a presence and we're not making the argument. because i think we have the better argument. but that requires a lot of work. it's been something that i've been able todo successfully in my own campaigns. it is not something i've been able to transferto candidates in midterms and sort of build a sustaining organization around. that's something that i would have liked tohave done more of, but it's kind of hard to

do when you're also dealing with a whole bunchof issues here in the white house. and that doesn't mean, though, that it can'tbe done. and i think there are going to be a lot oftalented folks out there, a lot of progressives who share my values who are going to be leadingthe charge in the years to come.

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