better way health

better way health

we have over a hundred trillion bacteria cellsin our body and they can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. today i wannashow you how to turn them into your best friend. if you’ve done yoyo diets, i’m talkingabout the paleo, the drewcan, the bread diet, the cookie diet, the atkins diet, whateverdiet you’ve done and you’ve gone on this weight loss roller coaster over and over andover again then this video is very important for you to watch. you see today, i’m gonnashow you four recipes out of a book that i’ve just read called the microbiome diet. it’sby dr. kellman and in dr. kellman’s book he lays out the best food, the best diet foryour microbiome. we’ve been talking about the gut for a while now. 95 percent of theserotonin comes from your gut that’s that

happy molecule. your gut biome changes every20 minutes that’s why it’s absolutely crucial to give it the food that it needsthat loves your body back. see most of us feed our microbiome and the gut nasty foodthat shape shifts your gut biome and then requires you to crave that nasty unhealthyfood that you’re constantly sabotaging your diet with. you have these erratic cravings.these up and down moods and everything is in the gut. so here’s some quick facts aboutmicrobiome. you have three pounds of bacteria in your body. bacteria outnumbers your cellsnine to one! our good bacteria helps us utilize all the nutrients from the food that we eat.our good bacteria has influence on our immunity, our mood, our hormones, our metabolism anda lot of other things in our body. so if you’re

addicted to chocolate, cookies, bread, icecream, things that you know you probably shouldn’t be eating all of the time, guess what? it’snot your fault. it’s actually not you, it’s that bad bacteria that’s teamed up againstyou. they’ become bullies on the inside and they’re actually forcing your cravings.they’re forcing you to eat that stuff so as soon as we feed the allies that good bacteriain your body the cravings will slowly start to drift away. so how do we start changingit? well we got to start changing what we’re putting in and dr. kellman states it’s sogracefully in his book on microbiome diet. number one you got to eat a lot of fresh fruitsand veggies. number two is to eat a lot of prebiotics. as you probably already know likemost people do, prebiotics are the food that

feeds your probiotics. and what are they?number one jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, carrots, garlic, jicama, leeks, onions, radishes,tomatoes and other soluble fibers. fermented foods are absolutely imperative as well becausethey’re loaded with probiotics. we got kimchi, sauerkraut and the different things that ipersonally absolutely love and i know you probably do as well. and lastly he talks aboutprobiotics. probiotics are one of the most important things that you can take on a dailybasis to start feeding your good gut bacteria. so we spent a lot of time recently comingup with the ten best bacterial strains on the planet so that can really start to feedyour good friends in your body and you can really start to absorb the nutrients thatmaybe you’re not absorbing now. you see

the average person eats 4,000 calories a dayin america but they’re still hungry, they’re still starving. and the reason they’re starvingis because they’re not getting the enzymes, the nutrients, the aminos, different thingsthat are in the food that we eat. so they continue to eat meat, they continue to gainthe weight but they feel like they’re hungry all the time. i want you to feel satisfied.i don’t want your brain to be turned on thinking about what’s coming for lunch justafter you finish dinner because what does that do it doesn’t allow you to be present.and i know if you’re watching this maybe you have kids, maybe you have a friend thatyou see once in a while, maybe your significant other and the best moments that you’ve hadtogether is when you’re not on your cellphone

checking it, you’re not thinking about whatyou have to do that weekend. you’re right there in the moment, awareness is an all-timehigh. you’re totally resonate with that person in front of you and you’re communicatingon an authentic level. i want that for you and something tells me if you’re watchingthis video you want that for yourself. so let’s make that happen. probiotics is thelast thing on the list. now let me show you four recipes that we’ve prepared in thefitlife kitchen with sheree and david and we’re gonna show you how to make them stepby step so that you can start fixing that good gut bacteria. let’s do this! alright,so let’s try our blueberry and kale smoothie. so here’s the recipe breakdown, half a cupof chopped up kale. you can remove the ribs

or if you want the ribs and make a littlebit better i usually do, half a cup frozen unsweetened organic blueberries, fourth thecup of avocado, one teaspoon of almond butter, ⾠cups of apple cider or kefir. i preferto go half the cup of kefir today but ⾠is usually the recommended dose, five ice cubes,two tablespoons of plant based protein and this is the blueberry kale smoothie. alrightso here’s the smoothie let’s try it out. hmm. why i’d never think that kefir, it’sso good. a blueberry loaded with good fat i feel the energy with this too. super stop is our veggie loaded frittata and here’s the ingredients, six organic eggs,two tablespoons of cold water, one teaspoon of snipped tarragon, half a teaspoon of seasalt, half a teaspoon of pepper, one cup of

sliced onions, two tablespoons of olive oil,one small zuchinni cut into one inch slices, half a pound spinach or swiss chard, saltand pepper to taste as needed and you can also add organic or goats sheep’s milk cheeseif you want to. let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes ‘til its firm, eat it, let’s see whatfrittata taste like. ah, it’s cooked to perfection. look at this thing looks absolutelyamazing. ever airplane yourself? hmm, so good. wash it down with the smoothie. hmm. citrusberry salad, so here’s the recipe breakdown, half a grapefruit, cut in half the centernot the stem on the end, one orange, half a kiwi, a fourth cup of blueberries or raspberries,one eighth cup of fresh mint leaves, six brazil nuts. now what you wanna do is grab a sectionof the grapefruit, squeeze the residual juice,

save it in a cup because you’re gonna usethis for the salad dressing. you’re gonna do the same thing with the orange, cut itin the center, not the stem though, the section on it. squeeze the shells and add the juiceto the grapefruit juice. orange and the grapefruit sections together is going to be your saladdressing. cut the kiwi in half, peel it, slice it into four thin slice and add the grapefruitand the orange slices. we put it in a nice bed of spinach, baby spinach you can add somemicro greens to this if you want to. these are the greens that we have in the house.we’re gonna add berries and fruit together in the mix absolutely amazing! and then we’regonna add the chopped mint leaves. the mint is gonna add another element of flavor tothis, put the juice over top, serve the nuts

on the side, and lightly crush and sprinklethem if you can we just decided to put them on the side. alright so let’s try it out.hmm, hmm, wow. what is this? that is super good. i love the dressing. the orange, thegrapefruit together. hmm. alright and here’s the microbiome snack. this is real easy, twoorganic eggs, four asparagus spears, stems removed, three tomato slices, three radishessliced in half. we hard boiled the eggs which took about 10 minutes, place in a steamerbasket with a pot for just enough water ‘til its overflowing the basket. place the asparagusin the steamer for about 5 – 7 minutes and we assemble the eggs and other ingredientson a plate and then we served it. let’s see what it tastes like. hmm, little tomatoaction hmm. really good snack, little protein

from the egg. alright so at that time, whowon the juicer? remember next week if you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottomof this blog post, leave a comment below about how your life is changed by implementing someof the strategies and tips that we talked about on fitlife tv. this week’s juicerwinner is lorraine cannistra! lorraine has been eating more fruits and vegetables andhas reduced the number of prescription drugs that she takes from fourteen to three. that’samazing! lorraine is a true demonstration of the inner transformation that takes placewhen we realize that everything that we put into our body makes us who we are. lorrainewe’re sending you a brand new kuving’s juicer. take this juicer and use it to bringyour health to the next level and keep as

posted. congratulations lorraine! so awesomevideo this week my friend, if you enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up, like it,love it, share it. if you’re ever in san diego my friend visit the fitlife tv team,come have a green juice on us. maybe we can share a glass of organifi, whatever it is,i appreciate you. thanks for watching this video this morning and we’ll see you nextweek. remember we’re in this together! first we’re gonna use some asparagus right to eat some asparagus here. hello baby radish. hi baby radish. how are you today?hmm, i love you. and it’s basically a much better book because we have meal plans, wehave videos, everything that dr. kellman he’s probably too lazy to do. he’s probably sittingbehind his computer. my rusty spoon.

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